• We make scheduling between Doctors, Hospitals and Vendor Representatives simple.



Start the process by simply submitting a procedure scheduling to your Hospital – securely and electronically. One form is all it takes to start the communication flow.


See all surgical requests and statuses in one place. With up to date data flow there will now never be question as to who, what, when, or where.

Vendor Representatives

Never miss a detail again. Real time procedure requests, calendar files, and text message notifications make procedure scheduling complications a thing of the past!

What is ConfirMED?

ConfirMED is a revolutionary real-time medical scheduling platform that takes the guesswork out of procedure details.

How many times have you experienced frustration in the scheduling process? How often do procedure details change and multiple parties need to be notified? Do you wish there was an easier, more efficient way to schedule?

Fret no longer – miscommunications and missed opportunities are a thing of the past!

Easy to Use

With the click of a button submit a procedure, manage your schedule and confirm attendance

Secure Data Transmission

Encrypted data and HIPAA compliance allows for more secure communication

Real Time Notifications

Email and text message alerts allow for quick and clear communication

Streamlines scheduling process

Allows for quicker and more efficient scheduling


Use ConfirMED to make scheduling a breeze!

  • ConfirMED is a long awaited solution to the nuances of scheduling. I am now confident that I will be notified of new scheduled surgeries, time changes, and the trail of communication is paramount. One less thing to worry about is priceless!

    Laura, Vendor

  • ConfirMED is a long awaited solution to the nuances of scheduling. I am now confident that I will be notified of new scheduled surgeries, time changes, and the trail of communication is paramount. One less thing to worry about is priceless!

    Laura, Vendor

What are you waiting for?